June 21, 2023

Exclusive Member Party! Get a Sneak Peak at LTFF 2023!

On July 18th at 7PM, Lake Travis Film Festival (LTFF) is rolling out the red carpet for its esteemed members with an exclusive Members Party at the enchanting Star Hill Ranch in Bee Cave. Texas. This highly anticipated event offers an unparalleled opportunity for LTFF members to immerse themselves in the world of cinema, connect with fellow film enthusiasts, and experience the magic of LTFF in a unique and unforgettable way. 

The Gateway to Insider Information

This is meant to be a celebration of LTFF’s passionate community and unwavering support. At the Member’s Party, LTFF’s Executive Director will make a special announcement, unveiling the much-anticipated festival lineup. As a member, you’ll be among the first to know which films, special events, and surprises await you at the 2023 Lake Travis Film Festival. 

The Allure of Star Hill Ranch

The location of the Members Part, Star Hill Ranch, adds a touch of rustic charm and elegance to the event. Nestled in the scenic beauty of Bee Cave, Star Hill Ranch exudes a timeless aura that transports attendees to a bygone era. Its picturesque setting, with quaint buildings and sprawling landscapes, creates a magical ambiance that perfectly compliments the LTFF spirit. 

Membership: Your Key to Exclusive Experiences

If you’re not an LTFF member yet, now is the ideal time to join this vibrant community. By becoming a member, you’ll unlock a world of exc;usve benefits and experiences throughout the year. Membership offers opportunities to attend private events, gain early access to ticket sales, connect with members of the LTFF board, enjoy special screenings, and much more.

At LTFF it’s not just about the perks – it’s about being part of a passionate community of film lovers who come together to celebrate the art of cinema. It’s a chance to connect with like-minded individuals, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and build lasting relationships. Become a member today: LTFF Member Registration 

RSVP and Secure Your Spot

To attend, simply RSVP through Eventbrite using the following link: Members Party RSVP. The RSVP ensures LTFF can prepare an unforgettable evening with delectable food, and refreshing drinks. In addition, we’ll be giving out a prize in partnership with our friends at YETI and Tito’s! RSVP now, and prepare for an evening of celebration, connection, and anticipation for our annual Lake Travis Film Festival!  

Membership packages available

pick the right one for you

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